Sunday, October 24, 2010

Increase Sperm Count

Male infertility, The most frustrating infertility problems is caused by low sperm count. about half of the infertility problems encountered by couples are caused by male infertility. The most general form of male infertility is a low sperm count.
As defined by the World Health Organization about Normal sperm count, is characterized by:

· The concentration of spermatozoa should be as a minimum 20 million per ml.

· The entire volume of semen should be at least 2ml.

· The total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be at least 40 (Forty ) million.

· At least 75 % of the spermatozoa should be living (it is normal for up to 25 per cent to be dead).

· At least 30 % of the spermatozoa should be of usual shape and form.

· At least 25 % of the spermatozoa should be swimming with rapid forward movement.

· At least 50 % of the spermatozoa should be swimming forward, even if only sluggishly.
These numbers of amount to averages basis; Having a sperm count under these numbers does not guarantee that a man will be not capable to father a child; likewise, having a sperm count upper than these numbers does not guarantee that a man will be able to father a child.
There are a range of factors that can cause low sperm count, genetic causes, nutritional deficiencies,including stress, the use of prescription or illicit drugs, obesity, smoking , varicoceles and infections.

There are numerous things that may help increase sperm count, including:

· Continue exercise will help decrease stress, but be careful. Excessive exercise can cause injury, as can certain exercises that may unhelpfully impact the testicles, such as bicycling.

· The more often a man ejaculates, the fewer dense the semen will be. Keep a gap of three days between ejaculations.

· Keep away from smoking and drinking alcohol.

· Massage body with herbal oil, which may recover blood circulation.
· Have sex afternoon or in the early morning . It is believed that sperm levels are often maximum in the morning.

· Avoid tight underwear, whirlpools and saunas. All of which may enhance the temperature of the testicles.

· Use natural vitamins and supplements that may assist with sperm count.
 Maintain a high protein, rich in vegetables, low fat diet, and whole grains.
Avoid spicy foods and bitter foods.

There are a variety of vitamin supplements that may assist with low sperm count. They include:

* Vitamin C

* Vitamin B12 Selenium

* Vitamin E

* Carnitine

* Zinc Arginine

There are some dietary measures that a man who has a low sperm count can take to attempt to enhance his sperm count, including:

· Eat a diet that includes whole, unprocessed foods. The best foods for health in common, and also for sperm count problems, are whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, vegetables and seeds.

· Decrease drinking of alcohol . In addition to the universal nutritional benefits of avoiding alcohol, avoiding alcohol may also help with sexual performance issues.

· Raw sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds have been shown to help with male fertility. It is advised that a man with a low sperm count eat 1/4 cup of raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds each day.

· Drink at least 48 ounces of water every day.

Speman is a known alternative herbal Viagra know world wide. It has been a famous product that is manufactured by Himalaya health care, India. Speman is a globally known name as it has given men a cure of their issues like impotence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low libido.

Speman is an ayurvedic formulation that was created under the superviosn of ayurvedic doctors and various renowned herbalists worldwide. Speman went through tough clinical trials that confirmed its powerful presence in the world. Speman is a mixture of herbs like orchis mascula , lactuca scariola, hygrophila spinosa, Mucana pruriens, parmelia perlata, argyreia, tribulus terrestris, leptadenia reticulate and above all mosaic gold. increase sperm count

Speman is also helpful in stimulating the hormonal activities of the body. Speman helps in stimulating the androgen i.e. release of the male hormone testosterone that is responsible for stimulating a men to get stimulated to the desire of intercourse. This is a major achievement in the aphrodisiac industry as it’s a major achievement in the field of low libido and lack of interest in the male se*ual desire.increase sperm count

Speman is a world wide known brand name as it has offered men a cure of embarrassing issues such as impotency and low sperm count. Speman is considered to be very effective in increasing the sperm count and their motility to make man more fertile. The blend of herbs used in the formula is natural aphrodisiac that enhance the sexual function in male suffering from various sexual problems

Speman is also considered to be a new hope to childless couples. Speman has shown many results treating issues of low sperm count (oligospermia), quality and morphology of the sperms

read more please visit

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